
Friday, 24 February 2012

Moment of Bliss

There is a small incident which I would like to share with you.
While I was commuting to town by road I came across a Message board put up by a school which said:"Money cannot buy you Happiness but only The Illusion"and I thought how true it is.
One may have everything one needs or gets by the world's standards of happiness BUT there will always be a vacuum inside of you craving for that something to fill it and hence one goes throughout  life in search of it.
When you experience that brief fleeting moment of finding what you were searching for it is sheer BLISS. You have encountered God.

Wednesday, 22 February 2012

Brand Jesus

What's your Brand? Adidas, Reebok, Nike. Jimmy Choo, Vutton, Raybans,Lees etc.? Good for you.
I use Brand JESUS.The ultimate brand,2k years old, conceived by the Creator and Original Brand Maker, since the begining of all creation.
This Brand can never go out of fashion.It was,it is,and will always be.It guarantees the user absolute Peace of mind,absolute Joy,absolute Fidelity in your relationship.
The light of this Brand burns so brightly that all darkness vanishes in it's presence.
All good Brands have a shelf life of 10 years, 50 years,maybe 100 years,but,Brand Jesus is forever.
Brand Jesus is not old fashion nor the fashion of the future.It is the fashion of NOW. With Jesus you'll always be in.
Our ancestors who used this Brand were in and our descendants who will use this Brand will always be in, for with Brand Jesus there is no Out.
Friends are you listening?If you are,then know that the beauty of this Brand is that it's freely available to anyone;rich or poor,sick or healthy,young or old,weak or strong,king or pauper,sinner or saint.It transcends all boundaries and all races.It is the Only Brand that knows its users very well, in and out, and hence there are no conditions attached.
All you have to do is tick mark "I accept"in the place provided in your heart and it's yours.
Think about it brother,Think about it sister.
Imagine a Brand that you can leave as a legacy to your heirs forever.
BRAND JESUS! Alleluia Amen.

Ash Wednesday Opening Prayer for Lent

Mighty God! Loving Father!
Through the grace of Christ,help me to give You first place in my life,always!
Through the power of the Holy Spirit,help me to identify the idols in my life and to get rid of them as fast as ever.
Thus may I become an heir to the great riches of the Kingdom,far greater than anything this world has to offer!
Through our Blessed Mother,Mary,teach me to give You first place in my life.Thus may I effectively prepare for a meaningful celebration of the sacred mysteries of the faith; that is the Passion,Death and Resurrection of Your Son,Jesus,and in time,joyfully share in the Sonship of Him Who lives and reigns with You and the Holy Spirit,now and forever!

Tuesday, 21 February 2012

Light of the World

Jesus LORD,You are the true Light of the World.
You do not need an external energy source to shine for the Source of Power is You.
LORD shine this infinite light on all those who are living in darkness at this very moment. Shine on those suffering from want, ill health, lack of Peace, the unemployed, those in financial problems, the homeless, the lonely and desperate, and those who lack knowing You the One True God and Savior.
LORD as I touch Your garment in faith on behalf of Your little ones, may power flow from You and heal and rebuild their lives as You did when the woman who was bleeding touched You in faith.

Monday, 20 February 2012


See with a pure  heart and you will see Jesus  everywhere.(James 4:8)


Lord pour your abundant grace upon us, and fill us with Your Holy Spirit, so that we may always worship only the Creator and not HIS creation.

Just 27 Powerful Words

GOD our Father,walk through my house and take away all my worries and illnesses;and please watch over and heal my family in Jesus' Name,Amen.

Sunday, 19 February 2012

Bible Sunday

Lord as today is Bible Sunday, we pray that more people may come to understand Your Word.
Open our minds and help us burn with zeal for Knowing You, Loving You and Serving You as we encounter You in prayer.