
Wednesday, 18 September 2013


JESUS LORD,as we look at You our Crucified King,we too want to be moulded into children of God.
Our lives would have no consequence on this earth if we cannot offer it as You did.Speak to our hearts the word of strength that we might rise to live for Your glory.
May not the false and easy offers of this world deceive us into evil.We offer our relationships and communities, our works and words,our motivations and strength at the foot of Your Cross.
In the dark hour of trial,and in the Calvary of our lives may we witness to You by holding firm to what is right and gracious.
We Bless and adore You, Christ our Lord and King of Peace.Amen.  

Monday, 7 January 2013

We pray for women all over the world especially those living in less civilized nations that the love of Jesus our Savior may touch their lives and bring them freedom from want,freedom from disease,freedom from illiteracy,freedom to live a life of equality with men as an equal partner in raising their families and thus glorifying God our creator who meant it to be so.